How to do Basic Animation Through Pivot Stick-figure Animator

Have your ever seen some stick figure animation? It looks very cool when we watch the animation. But have you any idea how all these animations are created? Earlier I used to think that it would be very difficult to make all these animation but when I got a software called Pivot Stick figure animator it all became little easy for me. Here I will tell you you can make easy animation by yourself.
Basically animations are a series of some pictures. Actually those pictures move fast and create a whole movie. The continuity is must in any animation. So without wasting our time lets start how to do this animation.

First of all you need to get this software which is “Pivot Stick Figure Animator.” It is a free software. You can download it form Internet. This is a very basic software and occupies approximation 1MB of space. You can download it form here, it is a freeware.
Download the PIVOT Stick-figure Animator.
Download and install this software. Now you are ready to do the basic animation. Here I am giving a tutorial to use the basic function of this software. You can do a very much more with your own creativity.
As you start the software you will see a stick figure. There are dots on its body. You can move its body parts in any direction for the animations. After every change press the next frame button. You can make a very large series of such images.

You can also add more figures to this animation like letters, alphabets, elephant, donkey etc. The size of the figure is also variable. You can also change the size and colours of the figures. Here is a demo of the animation made by this PIOT Stick figure animator software.

This animation was the default demo animation by the PIVOT software itself. I have also done some experiment over it. I made this image using this software. How did you find this animation tutorial? Please give your reviews here by commenting below.

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